Our Mission and Core Beliefs: A Collective Effort to Shape Our Future

At Inuits, we recently introduced a draft mission statement and a set of guiding principles reflecting who we are as a team and company. Before finalizing these, we wanted to ensure they resonated with everyone. To do this, we gathered feedback from our team through a survey. We're excited to share the results with you. 


Our Mission Statement

“Out of talented professionals, we co-create teams to help our partners achieve their goals.”

As a proud member of the Inuits family, we share a deep passion for Open Source solutions. While many of our team members are dedicated to serving specific partners, typically in the areas of Big Data or web development, our core mission remains consistent: building expert teams to empower our partners to succeed.

Our mission statement received an average rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars, signaling strong support from our team. Some feedback highlighted the importance of creating "valuable products that make a difference." While we aren't currently producing our own products under the Inuits.krk label, we are always focused on creating meaningful impact through the services we provide.


Our Core Beliefs

1. Everything starts with people

One of the highest-rated values in our survey, with an impressive average score of 4.9, was the belief that "everything starts with people." Our team's feedback reflects a strong appreciation for the respect, camaraderie, and positive interactions shared among colleagues. It's the foundation of everything we do, and we will continue to cultivate this culture.

A rounded average score of 4,9 means highest distinction, summa cum laude.


2. It takes different voices to create a beautiful song

Diversity is a key strength at Inuits. We believe that to develop solutions that truly serve a broad audience, our team must represent a variety of perspectives. We're proud to have a team made up of different educational backgrounds, a balanced gender representation, and over 15 nationalities.

This value received an average score of 4.1, affirming our commitment to fostering an inclusive environment without compromising on the quality of talent we bring on board.


3. Talent is only a starting point

Education, training, and talent are important, but they’re just the beginning. As the Irving Berlin quote goes, “Talent is only a starting point. You’ve got to keep working that talent.” Continuous learning and development are integral to our success as a team.

This belief earned a 4.0 rating, showing that our team agrees with the importance of growth and dedication beyond raw talent.


4. There is always time for a coffee together

While we’re focused on delivering excellent work, we also believe in doing it in a healthy and supportive environment. Taking time to connect with colleagues, share success, and be there for each other when challenges arise is part of who we are.

This principle received a 3.97 rating—still positive, though the lowest of the values. Despite this, the comments remained encouraging, so we’re continuing to prioritize team bonding and support.


5. We will never lose the child in our eyes

This value, inspired by the Kate Bush song “The Man With the Child in His Eyes,” symbolizes our belief in maintaining a sense of wonder and joy, even in a professional setting. We balance our dedication to work with lighthearted moments, whether through playful banter, sharing memes on Slack, or engaging in friendly competitions.

With a score of 4.03, this belief reflects the importance of keeping a healthy balance between professionalism and a fun, creative spirit.

Thank you to our team for sharing your feedback and helping us shape the future of Inuits. Your insights help us stay true to our mission and values as we continue to grow and serve our partners.